
Cleaning & Exam

Cleanings and Exams Prevent Other Health Problems

Regular Cleanings Prevents Other Problems

When you schedule a teeth cleaning in Woodland Hills with our dental hygienist an exam is an essential part of the process. During your cleaning, the dentist will examine your mouth, teeth and gums for developing signs of other issues that may need tended to, such as already formed cavities, oral cancer, gum disease, alignment issues and more. If signs of these issues are caught early on, they can be treated or reversed. That is what makes a dental cleaning so important. Even if a cavity or tooth decay has already developed, you can save a tooth by getting it filled before the problem worsens. If you have any other dental problems that need tending to, we will schedule your next appointments at your convenience to get your health back to normal.

Call our office staff today at 818-225-1630 to schedule your appointment for a dental cleaning at Woodland Hills Dental. 

A dental cleaning at Woodland Hills Dental is the best way to remove plaque and defend against bacteria

Oral hygiene is a very important part of your overall health. Most of the things that enter our bodies enter through our mouths, so it is important to keep your teeth, mouth and gums in tip top shape with a dental cleaning in Woodland Hills. Brushing and flossing your teeth can help your health significantly, but they aren’t the only habits necessary to keep your teeth clean. Dental cleanings get the plaque, tartar and bacteria that you miss while brushing and flossing. In fact, we often miss the same areas when we clean our teeth at home, which causes a build up and hardening of bacteria overtime that isn’t as easy to remove. With the dental tools and technology our hygienist and dentist have at Woodland Hills Dental we are able to remove all of the build up around your teeth and gums for a smooth, healthy smile. Regular dental cleanings will help you prevent tooth decay and the need for other dental procedures like a root canal, dental filling or dental crown. Let us help you take care of your smile with a dental cleaning in Woodland Hills.

Call our office staff today at 818-225-1630 to schedule your appointment for a dental cleaning at Woodland Hills Dental. 

How can we make you smile?

The team that will make you smile.




The Dental team in Woodland Hills you can trust.

Your Smile HQ


23111 Ventura Blvd


Woodland Hills, CA 91364

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Phone : + (818) 225-1630

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MON-FRI 09:00 -5:00

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