Invisalign, the easiest way to smile better.
If you are looking for the next best way to enhance your smile by straightening your teeth, Invisalign in Woodland Hills is the way to go.
These aligners, or clear braces, are a great way to treat misaligned and crooked teeth without your peers even knowing you have them. In fact, the name Invisalign says it all. It is an invisible set of custom-made aligners for your teeth. When you meet with our dentist for your treatment plan, Dr. Shawn Hosseini will show you exactly how each pair of aligning trays you receive will bring you closer to your new smile. Being removable is one of the biggest perks to clear braces because it allows for easier cleaning and care, which can affect your overall health. Let’s also not forget you don’t have any limitations on your diet, so you can eat or drink what you like! Even though Invisalign is removable, the main reason it is so popular is its ability to be undetectable to the eye. Many adults and teenagers who need braces avoid doing so because of their appearance. With Invisalign, or clear braces, there is no need to worry about the appearance of wires or brackets in your mouth. Lastly, Invisalign is an affordable option for your dental care, and is accepted by many insurance plans. Want to know more about this awesome dental technology?
Call our office staff today at 818-225-1630 to schedule an appointment to get started with Invisalign at Woodland Hills Dental today!